30 Days of Me, Life

30 Days of Me – A Picture Of My Animals


Today I get to talk about my favorite animals ever – my pets.  I have three pets, a cat and two dogs, but we live with my mom currently and so altogether we have three cats and four dogs.  Ya, I know.  We are crazy.

I thought this would be a good forum to formally introduce my pets.  I will probably include my mom’s pets too.  Two of the pets that my mom owns were around when I was in high school.

This is Gretta!


She’s a tabby cat and she’s 14 years old – at least that’s what I think.  I can’t remember when we got her, but I’m pretty sure I was a freshman in high school.  She had some respiratory issues when she was a kitten and so her special talent is hocking loogies everywhere as a result.  It’s especially fun when she does it on you.  Currently, she lives with my mom but when we get our own place she will probably move in with us because Miss K has developed an infatuation with her.


Meet Holly!


We think Holly is a Siamese although we aren’t too sure.  She was a stray and I found her when I was going to get the mail when I was 19 or 20 years old.  She is such a gentle cat and we all love her so much.  She followed me home and tried to get inside our house so we brought her in.  We tried to find her owners and even took her to the vet to have her scanned for a microchip.  They couldn’t find one so we claimed her.  She has been an amazing addition to the household and even though she was supposed to be Miss K’s cat, she adopted my mom.  She was named Holly because we found her two days before Christmas.


Next up is Sophie.


Sophie is a Goldendoodle and she’s five years old.  She is pretty amazing and I got her before Husband and I even moved in together.  She is such a goofy dog and Miss K named her.  We were going to get another dog (named Sadie) but the dog that we were promised ended up being given to someone else.  Sophie came into our lives accidentally but we wouldn’t change it for anything.  She loves playing fetch, chase the laser pointer, and howling.


Katniss is the next pet to spotlight!


Katniss is three years old and we adopted her from a family friend.  Her original name was Loki, but after watching her play we just had to name her Katniss (get it, Cat?  Katniss?!  I thought it was funny.)  She’s a mean girl with good intentions.  She is super sweet to her people, which consists of Miss K and Husband sometimes and me most of the time.  If you are in with her, you have been blessed by the cat gods.  She loves laying in the sun, telling us to shut up, and jumping on us.


Next came Stella.


Stella is my mom’s dog that she got after my sister got her dog, Bear and we got Sophie.  She is a Labradoodle and is such a sweet dog.  She is complete opposite of Sophie, yet they are the best of friends.  Stella is a dog dog and Sophie is a people dog.  Stella loves to growl while running down the stairs and so I always know she’s coming.  Stella’s hobbies include pawing your face and leaving accidental scratches, stealing the balls that Sophie is playing with so no one can play fetch, and barking at the other pets because they are taking away her attention.


Almost done, here is Eevee!


Eevee came next!  I didn’t expect to get her so soon, but my sister gave me the dog bug when we were offered an Austrailian Shepard.  Husband has always wanted a husky but I wasn’t sure I was ready since the passing of my other husky, Gracie.  Well, I had paid to see another husky at the Humane Society but saw Eevee an hour before I was supposed to leave.  I didn’t even see the other husky and Eevee and I fell in love immediately.  I am so thankful she came into our life.  I think we all needed each other, especially after what she had been through.  I was told that she was a husky at the Humane Society and that she was one and done growing.  Turns out, she’s a malamute.  They don’t stop growing until they are two.  Awesome.


Last, but not least, there is Piper.


Piper was originally named Poppy!  She is a hyper Labradoodle (with a little Aussie in her).  She is hyper, feisty, and a troublemaker (she has already chewed through two cords of mine.  She is my mom’s puppy and we are thinking she is going to be the biggest dog of all of our dogs (five in the family).  My mom is trembling in her shoes thinking about that, but my sister and I think that is hilarious.  Her hobbies include pooping in places that I always step in, biting us, and trying to take on Eevee.

Do you have any pets?  Introduce me to them in the comments!  I’d love to hear about them!